Monday 24 June 2024

Of the intersecting lives

Hey there! How have you been? I am going to write this post as a diary. Perhaps a little self introspection would be beneficial for both of us. Among other things I often wonder what if our lives had never crossed paths with each other. Had it not been for that train journey, our trajectories were wildly different. I was engrossed with my own stuff while your plans were unknown to me. I found you intriguing, curiosity swept over me. I wanted to get to know you, and I took it as a challenge onto myself that I will get you to open up to me, almost everyone does, I have a trustworthy face. Do you regret not opening up to me? The end result is the same even now. 

With some people you never feel anger towards them. She was one of them. Despite hurting me in more than a hundred ways, I never did feel angry at you. I can attribute it to your cuteness, your short height which makes you look younger than your age but I think the real reason remains that our paths were never meant to cross with each other. You were nothing but a distraction, a test for me, in which I failed rather spectacularly. It was a test of my newfound strength and a test of my resolve. It was the first real world practical after my training. Miserably failed and learned my lesson but it was a rather expensive lesson to be honest. 

So having learnt my lesson now, I find that my worldview has become dichotomous. I am patient as well as really in a hurry, both at the same time. The numbers are not on my side but when have they been? My thoughts have been either 50 years too young or 50 years too old. See with this blog only. The art of writing is slowly dying. People may write for themselves but what sells and grabs the most eyeballs is vile, mundane, mass produced pieces of paragraphs, world would have been better without. A good writing piece or a novel for that matter, in my opinion, should give you perspective. It is in a short supply these days and mine has been clouded by repeated losses, one after the other. I desperately need a win. It was a lack of perspective that rendered me idea-less for blogs for a long time now. There were some sparks here and there but nothing good could come out of it. 

- until next time, IHY

Saturday 14 October 2023

Unlocking Youth Empowerment through Skill Development in India

In the vast tapestry of India's demographic landscape, one vibrant thread stands out – its youth. With nearly half of its population under the age of 25, India possesses an enormous reservoir of untapped potential. This young population is not only a source of economic growth but also an incredible force for social change. To harness this potential, skill development is an imperative.

India stands at a crossroads, where its burgeoning youth population can either be an asset or a liability. The need for skill development is clear. Without it, the dreams and aspirations of millions of young Indians remain unrealized, contributing to unemployment and social unrest. While India's youth is often portrayed as a demographic dividend, it can easily become a demographic disaster if not provided with the skills to participate meaningfully in the economy. The consequences of neglecting this crucial aspect of development are manifold.

The challenges to youth empowerment through skill development in India are multi-faceted. First and foremost, the education system often emphasizes theoretical knowledge over practical skills. This results in a mismatch between what youth learn and what the job market demands. Many graduates find themselves unemployable due to this mismatch. Secondly, the lack of access to quality education and training, especially in rural areas, exacerbates the problem. The digital divide and uneven distribution of educational resources limit opportunities for many. Thirdly, the informal economy, which absorbs a significant portion of India's labor force, often does not recognize or value the skills of youth, leading to underemployment and poor working conditions.

If these challenges are not addressed, the future impact on India's youth can be grave. Rising frustration and a sense of alienation can lead to social unrest. Inability to secure decent employment can result in a wasted demographic dividend. Moreover, youth without skills face the risk of falling into poverty traps, perpetuating cycles of economic hardship. It is, therefore, imperative to empower the youth by providing them with the skills necessary to contribute effectively to the nation's development.

To tackle these challenges and empower India's youth, various measures have been undertaken. The Indian government has launched initiatives such as "Skill India" to provide skill training to millions of young people. Vocational education and training programs are being expanded, aiming to bridge the gap between education and employment. Additionally, public-private partnerships are being encouraged to enhance the reach and quality of skill development programs. These efforts have begun to show positive results, with an increasing number of youths gaining employable skills.

The link between education and skill development is profound, representing more than just a path to employment. It embodies a philosophical dimension – the idea that education should not merely be the acquisition of knowledge but also the cultivation of practical abilities. As Swami Vivekananda once said, "Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man." It emphasizes the notion that every individual possesses unique talents and potential that can be realized through the right education and skill development. It is not about fitting young minds into pre-existing moulds but allowing them to explore their inherent capacities.
In conclusion, skill development is not just about employability; it is about empowerment and realizing the potential of a nation's youth. In India, where a significant portion of the population is young, investing in skill development is a strategic imperative. As Mahatma Gandhi aptly noted, "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." This profound wisdom underscores the significance of continuous learning and skill development in human life. Skill development is not a destination but a journey toward self-improvement, employability, and empowerment. To ensure that India's youth can live up to their potential, it is not just an economic necessity but a moral obligation to invest in skill development.

Sunday 10 July 2022

Are American problems our problems?

Black lives matter, LGBTQ+, Gun violence, capitol hill seige, MeToo, Jeffery Epstein - I seem to know more about America's problems than ours. Why is that? I am not the one too active on social media nor do I particularly look out for American news. The Indian public discourse is the one to blame. We are being fed American news so much that our own problems seem to have obscured by the seemingly first world problems. Just imagine the stupidity of all this - a country whose 30% population still lives in poverty, whose average road network is still worse than that of Vietnam is talking about BLM on its national news. In a country where majority of youths are dissatisfied with their employment or lack thereof and depression coupled with identity crisis is rampant, we are talking about LGBTQ in our editorials. At the risk of sounding transphobic - I fucking do not care whether a tans person has been called a hijhda by their neighbourhood uncle/aunty. Deal with it ! Our politicians are so mad they will give reservations to trans people if this discourse keeps on going like this. 

There has to be some end to the stupidity of journalists who decide the public discourse. The Delhi Infrastructure is collapsing but there has been no news of it anywhere. We are just fed the Hindu vs Muslim , much on the lines of liberal vs democrat debate in US. The vile and poisonous public discourse is a boon for politicians who have it easy. They Win even local body elections not on the merits of their groundwork but on the perception war fuelled by communal and religious hatred. How does it matter to a remote village in Madhya Pradesh which is dealing with water shortage on what views does an MP from bengal have on Maa Kali? Ofcourse they must voice their dissatisfaction if they're hurt by her immature comments but please explain for once how can this become the entire agenda of an election when more pressing matters are screaming for attention. 

This irony gets to me sometimes. On one hand we want the best professionals with fanciest degrees as the ones providing us services and simultaneously we get befooled so easily by the outright white lies and ridiculous promises like Rs 1500/month and free electricity. Where does the economic sense of people go when Delhi government continues taking out full page ads on fucking non issues, 3 minute television ads on every news channel during the primetime that too and wastes public money to the tune of thousands of crores. This is in a sense buying the silence of media houses on criticism. Whereas even minute details are being asked on policies from union ministers by the super intelligent tv anchors, why do they dumb themselves down when interviewing Mamta or kejri? These media houses are drowning in money yet they keep begging for subscription. And you have to really give it to the news anchors for they have mastered the art of verbal diarrhea - The art of incessant shouting and not even getting a single point across. And yet these bloody halfwits have more power than you or me to get things done. 

Ah these ironies never end. 

Anyhow, thanks for reading. And if you think I am transphobic, then no I am not. I watch lesbian porn. 

Thursday 14 October 2021

Are you the superstitious one?

Hey there! Been a long time since I wrote anything here. But that's mainly because I had nothing to say. With whatever's been going on in the country and so many bloggers cropping up, everyone has an opinion these days, and no one wants to listen. In addition, I think people have progressed to youtube and video content and writing is a dying style of communication. Maybe ours will be the last generation of actual bloggers. I don't think blog spaces will find that many visitors, so naturally revenue through ads shall decline. One exception shall remain - news blogs and health websites.

Anyways, how has your life been post lockdowns? Mine has been topsy turvy. When hasn't it been? But the last 4 months stood out. I was dealing with one problem after another. It was horrendous as well as marvellous. I broke boundaries I thought I never could. But still I don't feel accomplished enough. It's a long way to go, I know but still I should feel at least some pride in my achievements (personal). Maybe because I am a perfectionist and belong to a middle class family, I am hardwired to only celebrate after crossing the finish line and then jump on to the next target. I know I have written this in very vague terms but it's for the best. 

In these last 4 months while I was dealing with my problems I began to sense a change in myself. I had become quite superstitious. I always revelled in the fact that I have a rational mindset and believed myself to be of a headstrong personality. So becoming superstitious all of a sudden was surprising. Was it a symptom? Or was I becoming weak? After months of deliberation I found my answer here on blogger. I created an anonymous blog, without any photo or revealing my identity. I thought anonymity was a super power on internet highway. But in the hindsight I think this anonymity was a shroud to cover up the fact that I was superstitious from the very beginning. I don't post my pictures on social media or flaunt anything, majorly to avoid any jealousy and if you believe in this - Bad eye! 

It's funny how you make stuff up to convince yourself or a better word is - deceive yourself into thinking that your actions are momentary, when in fact, each of your action is a result of your years of hard-wiring and habits. I will try to post more here now that I have some spare time on my hands. 

Thursday 31 December 2020

The Boredom of Vacation

 It's been ages since I have written anything. Partly due to my job profile, it leaves little wiggle room for creativity and partly because of all the cacophony surrounding us these days. I am back in Delhi for good and I literally had a tough time adjusting back here. All the noise, pollution,unhygienic conditions and people, well, they're just mean. It seems strange this is my hometown. I am in between some transitions in my life and as such had an opportunity to relax after toiling endlessly for the past 2 years. You can call it an extended vacation. I thought I'll catch up with some old friends in this time but you know the covid situation. What's even there to discuss anyways? People keep coming and going, what's even the point of staying in touch? I may sound depressed but it's really more of my boredom. I am just not into anything these days in my vacation time. I take pride in being highly creative. I can fix car on my own, do minor electrician/plumber/carpenter stuff and more than that I revel in the artistic pleasure of handmade functional objects. I just love to create. If you build something on your own for example let's say even a small wheel, you'll then be able to appreciate the fact that a lot of effort and mind has been put to good use in the manufacture of that object. You must have seen bevel in woodworks. A seemingly simple and elegant looking edge that needs no second look. You'll be surprised to learn that it takes a mind boggling effort to create such a straight edge.

Bevel used in carpentry
I learnt this through my studies of dentistry. The art of dentistry lies in amalgamation of not just medicine but engineering, material sciences , carpentry, metallurgy and even tailoring. It takes a deep knowledge of all these fields to become a good dentist. Surprised? 

Well, the artificial tooth is made up of ceramic over a metallic base. So there goes your metallurgy and material science. How to put it on is engineering. How it will react with surrounding tissues is medicine. If you have to remove some tissue you'll need to do some surgery and you;ll have to close the wound by applying some stitches which are 

uncannily similar to tailoring. Not everyone, even with a qualified degree is able to comprehend and have a perception as to how intricate this field of dentistry really is. 

That's my whole point. Everything which barely looks complicated at the surface, is so damn complex, it just amazes me how far the human civilisation has come. Someone, sometime had developed an idea that ok I'll just not stick a wheel on a simple rod, instead I'll make a ball bearing first which will then attach to the wheel. Seemingly simple when you look at any car/bike/bicycle wheel but what a great and marvellous piece of invention that is the "bearing"

So I guess that's it for the time being. I hope you didn't get bored listening to one guy go on and on about how simple is really complex!

Tuesday 1 May 2018

Avengers : Infinity war is a disaster

I have just been back from the show of Avengers Infinity war and I have some scathing words for this movie. WARNING : SPOILERS AHEAD

I like to consider myself a moderate marvel fan. Because inconsistency in marvel universe quite evident with movies like thor: the dark world, guardians of galaxy biting the dust for good. But things took a serious turn for me after Thor: Ragnarok and Black Panther. Absolutely fantastic movies that were the silver linings of 2017 and 2018 respectively. Infinity war was supposed to move the golden run forward but it just came crashing down on my expectations.
There are a multitude of things wrong with this movie but the biggest thing that was wrong with this movie was THANOS. Yes, the villain. He was the main weak link in the movie. Thanos is an underrated and under depicted character in this movie. A big blue hulk wearing a golden glove is what is served as the tormentor of Tony Stark since the events of New York. His voice is menacing but his features are soft. His serrated chin reminds me of WWE wrestlers who ultimately come out to be the good guys. But is he supposed to be a good guy? He has been pounded with all sorts of adjectives ranging from "devour-er of the worlds to madman". But we get a scene too where we see tears in his eyes. Are we supposed to feel his pain? And generate a misdirected affection for him. I don't think the directors were wanting to go there but unfortunately, they did. His dialogues do not complement his gigantic stature and his menacing voice. He feels rather timid for such a terrifying character. 

Thanos is fighting each and every avenger in this movie in one scene or the other. He beats the hulk, kills loki like bottle gourd and petrifies Thor. And so do his children. Who dwell on enormous power and have excellent training in krav maga. They try to build up a narrative for thanos but are interrupted by ill-timed one liners from the ensemble cast. They don't get beaten up by a concoction of dr. strange, Iron man, spider man and bruce banner. If they could one Thanos' child Ebony Maw could have his own super villain movie dedicated to him for he makes cars fly at the flick of his finger. Such a marvellous villain dying from just being sucked into outer space. 

corvus glaive
Coming to the outer space, although Ebony Maw froze to death in outer space, thor manages to survive cold and heat alike. A bit weird, no?? Well, everything going on with thor is weird. In Ragnarok it is evident that he learns how powerful he is and he doesn't need his hammer. As evident by the epic dialogue " Are you the God of hammer"? But in Avengers, his love for hammer is back and he feels rather timid facing enemies without his weapon. The new weapon he forges, gives him some additional power somehow. Like it's a sale season going on. Shop with you mastercard and avail 15% more discount. It's a mess. The directors forgot the basic essence of each and every character in this movie. 

Black panther is undermined by his protective detail "Okoye". Such a fantastic character and a brilliant actor "chadwick boseman" is under utilised in this movie. Captain America gets a shield in shape of a leaf. He looks sexy in beard, fit for action but lack of his trademark shield is evident. You keep waiting for more of him throughout the movie. Actually you keep wanting more of every character in this movie but it never happens. The movie never evolves to something bigger. Just a cat fight between thugs and mall cops. You wish to see tony stark with his swanky gadgets and new technology but what do you get instead? A nanotechnoogy based suit. That somehow lasts for an eternity. Vision with the voive of Jarvis who showed some brilliant moves in age of ultron, limps throughout this movie. He doesn't even get a heroic death he deserved. Black widow, Col rhodes, flying man sam wilson, wanda, bucky all appear as a bunch of extras. No significant screen time or role. Peter Quill played by Chris Pratt is immature and irritating. His jokes are repetitive and maddening. Chris Pratt never feels comfortable in the skin of his character. 

It's not as if the movie doesn't have its moments. It does. And great ones too. Like when Thor descends back to Earth to fight off Thanos' army when everyone else is being beaten pulp. He makes a magnificent entry. The whole crowd erupted in cheer as Thor plummeted the army with his new axe. 20 seconds later, it gets cut off and we again hear the same monotonous Thanos. Or his uninspiring and frankly boring fight with iron man and dr. strange. The fight looks so unreal that you just start yawning. Iron man survives when he is hit by a MOON. Yeah , you read it right a MOON! Like really?? The guy couldn't even lift sokovia himself in age of ultron. Fights seem more like mindless violence. Thanos army more like mutant lizards from a video game. 3D effects are dismal. Story line sucks. It doesn't even make any sense. We had Dr, Selvig who created a reactor with tesseract at its core to open up another dimension in the first avengers movie. But here dimensions get opened up at the drop of a hat. No scientific explanation, no logic. Felt like a bollywood masala movie.

Overall it was a big step down from the standards of a marvel movie. As a cinematic experience and as a story too. The movie lacked depth and characters were used more as props rather than beings. You never bond with any of the character. You never feel for them. Never connect with them. The Russo brothers directed both the captain america : The Winter Soldier And The Civil War, which are my least favourite marvel movies. Their confusion, lack of depth of characters, lack of emotions and cluttered direction has destroyed what could have been the greatest marvel movie ever. 

P.S- There is no HULK in the movie. Poster makes a fool out of you. Bruce Banner gets Erectile Dysfunction And Can't Get it Up. Bruce banner is unable to turn into Hulk.

What works for the movie?
A script for tomfoolery in the second avengers movie. 

Disclaimer : All pictures are from a google image search.

Tuesday 17 April 2018

The Absence of happiness

A cloud of uncertainty hovers over me

Larger and larger it grows

Fed by the absence

It reaches out to hold me

It’s tentacles tightly wrapping around my chest

Squeezing, minute by minute, day by day

And it lifts me up

To an unending world

Where truth holds no power

Courage has no meaning

Body has no soul

And I perish away, like I never existed
Larger and larger it grew